Disciplinary action is only used as a corrective means of changing undesirable behavior or conduct that is deemed inappropriate by reasonable standards.
Minor Infractions Policy
A violation of any of these minor infractions may result in a verbal or written warning. If behavior does not improve after the 3rd warning a parent’s meeting and possible recommendation for suspension will occur.
1. Chronic absences from practice or arriving late without notification.
2. Failure to immediately report an injury (regardless of how minor) to a Head Coach.
3. Unauthorized use of gym equipment.
4. Failure to adhere to rules and regulations.
5. Inability to work well and/or to display appropriate interactions with teammates, coaches, volunteers, peers and/or parents.
6. Inability to follow instructions and/or refusal to perform as instructed.
7. Disobedience or outward display of anger, bad attitude, or disrespectful to a fellow teammate, coach, peer, volunteer or parent.
8. Intentionally spreading rumors or spreading malicious gossip about Kendrick Gymnastics, a teammate, peer, coach or athlete’s family.
9. Failing to wear appropriate attire.
10. Using your cell phone or checking Facebook or other social media sites during practice hours.
11. Eating food in the gym to include the cubby area.
12. Sitting and/or lying down during practice.
Major Infractions Policy
A violation of any of these major infractions may result in a verbal warning and/or parent’s meeting. If behavior does not improve after the 3rd warning suspension and/or recommendation for dismissal may occur.
1. Verbal abuse or threatening, coercing, or intimidating a fellow teammate, coach, peer,
parent, or volunteer with or without profane or obscene language.
2. Divulging confidential information about another teammate/peer’s family.
3. Horseplay that results in injury to self or to a fellow teammate or coach.
4. Unauthorized improper or unsafe use of gym property; unauthorized use of equipment or buildings.
5. Total disregard for safety regulations.
6. Use of email, text or social media to send or receive personal, or inaccurate, inappropriate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive messages.
7. Inability to work well and/or to display appropriate interactions with peers, coaches, parents or volunteers.
Severe Infractions Policy
All severe infractions will be handled with discretion by the Board of Directors on a case by case basis.
1. Physical abuse, assault or battery of fellow teammate, coach, peer or volunteer.
2. Failure to report physical abuse, assault or battery of fellow teammate, coach, peer or volunteer to a director.
3. Retaliation of report.
4. Life-threatening verbal abuse toward a fellow teammate, coach, peer, parent or volunteer.
5. Theft of any gym property or that of a peer or coach.
6. Sabotage, careless or deliberate destruction of equipment, materials, vehicles, personal property, building or products.
7. Leaving practice without notifying or receiving permission from a coach; walking out due to frustration/anger.
8. Harassment of any kind by word or action.
9. Discrimination by word or action based upon race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual
orientation, age, veteran status or disability, or creating an atmosphere of intimidation toward an
teammate, volunteer, peer, coach or their families.
10. Bringing inappropriate substances to the gym to include drug paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco or vaping products.
11. Attending practice under the influence of any substance.
Grounds for Immediate Removal
Gymnasts who are removed from the team will not receive a refund for any unused tuition or meet fees.
Kendrick Gymnastics 124 Cotton Street Philadelphia PA 19127